Fairfax First Baptist Church
Henry Rutland Mission House Guidelines and Policies
Purpose: The purpose of the Henry Rutland Mission House is to provide housing, fellowship, and service opportunities for missionaries on state-side assignment. The Missionary Residence Committee will administer this policy and recommend revisions or changes, as needed, to the church for approval.
Resident Qualifications: Home and Foreign missionaries will have first priority for use of the residence. During periods of vacancy the residence may also be used temporarily by a visiting evangelist, summer worker, short-term mission groups, or relocating staff member, subject to the approval of the Missionary Residence Committee.
A. Reservation requests for the use of the Henry Rutland Mission House should be made throught the Missionary Residence Committee. Please address all requests to:
Fairfax First Baptist ChurchMissionary Residence CommitteeP.O. Drawer 820Fairfax, SC 29827(803) 632-3228
Or complete and submit the attached Resevation Form.
B. Reservations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
C. The length of stay will be determined on an individual basis. There is no minimum or maximum stay requirement, however, the length of occupancy must be agreed upon in writing at the beginning of the stay. A copy of this agreement will be kept on file in the church office. All reservations will be confirmed in writing by the Missionary Residence Committee.
Residents Responsibilities:
A. Provide normal routine care and cleaning for the interior of the home and promptly report any needed repairs to the Missionary Residence Committee. The lawn will be maintained by the church.
B. The home is provided rent free. The church will provide for these utilities: water and electricity. Residents will be responsible for phone, internet, and/or cable TV.
C. NO PETS are allowed inside or outside.
E. Missionaries should notify the Missionary Residence Committee if they will be away for five (5) days or more. This is for security purposes.
F. Furniture and other items may not be removed from the home without prior approval of the Missionary Residence Committee. Please do not remove anything from the walls or hang anything additional on the walls.
G. Missionaries will bear the responsibility of personal property insurance. Fairfax First Baptist will not be responsible for any personal property left in the house.
H. Leave the home clean and in move in condition.
I. Short-term mission groups are requested to bring their own sheets (double-bed) and towels.